Along with overeating and unhealthy food, your lack of exercise has left you out of shape and overweight. So is there a best exercises to lose weight? Yes there is! The best exercises for losing weight are the exercises that you will do regularly and even come to enjoy doing them.
There is no reason exercising can’t a healthy part of your life. Regular exercise makes you feel alive and after awhile boosts your energy and fitness levels. The trick is to find out what kinds of exercise you like and will do regularly. Find the best exercises to lose weight that are a good fit for you. Keep reading for some examples.
You may have a hard time agreeing that exercise (movement) can actually be enjoyed, but its true. You just have to take some time and be patient.
If you are serious about getting rid of that extra weight, you already know that regular exercise must be a part of your plan. But you may not know just how much you need in order to see steady results. Follow this post to create a calorie deficit and learn the logic of weight loss.
As you learn more about exercises to lose weight, you will be surprised by how much is actually needed in order to shed the extra pounds. Even 30 minutes three times per week will improve your health and help you lose weight.
Here are some ideas and examples of the best exercises to lose weight.
What Are The Best Exercises to Lose Weight?
Here are lots of exercises to lose weight that you will love. Click on the list of exercises in the top menu and choose some exercises you like and create a free training program for yourself.
1- Cardio Exercises
Cardio exercises are great for burning calories and can also help keep your heart and circulatory system in good condition. Cardio exercises also help raise your metabolism by improving your circulation. Cardio exercises include aerobics, walking, jogging, dancing, zumba, swimming, etc. Studies show that even a half hour of cardio exercise just three times per week will have a positive result.

Even household chores are considered cardio exercise. Making beds, dusting, vacuuming, gardening and many others are great things to do for exercise and movement. If you spend too much time in front of the TV of computer, get up frequently and do a chore that will get your circulation moving.
2- Weight Training exercises
Weight training are an excellent choice for losing weight. Muscle burns more calories than fat. As you build muscle and burn fat, you will boost your metabolism. This will help melt off extra pounds. Weight training work well for weight loss because they help tone and strengthen the structure of the body.

Every gym has the equipment for weight training, along with the professionals who can show you how to use these machines to the best advantage. Start slow with a basic workout. Building muscle is a wonderful way to maintain a healthy body.
3- Exercise Stretches, Pilates and Yoga
Yoga and pilates are great types of exercise for weight loss, especially if you don’t like aerobics or other cardio exercises. Exercise stretches can be conformed to your level of flexibility and body type. Even large bodies can reap the benefits of gentle stretching and yoga. Yoga is about uniting the body, mind, and spirit and loving yourself just as you are now.

Through gentle movement and relaxation, you will become in touch with your body. Start out slowly according to your abilities. Classes for bigger women (and men) are being offered in many cities. You can go online and research where classes are offered in your area.
If you are out of shape, you may think pilates and yoga is only for toned and fit bodies, but this is not true. There are many stretches and positions that are designed for larger bodies. Take some time and check it out. You’ll be glad you did!
4- Abdominal and Core Exercises
Exercises to lose weight would be incomplete without mention of the best core exercises. It seems like everyone is hoping to find out that one magic exercise that will flatten that stomach in no time. Unfortunately, no such exercise exists. If you have weight to lose and your stomach is flabby, nothing will tone it up until you lose at least some of the weight. However, weight loss and regular exercise together will have a positive effect on a flabby tummy.

5- HIIT Routine
High Intensity Interval Training is a Fat Loss Workout! HIIT routines are a specific type of interval work that involve intervals of all-out maximal exertion followed by a rest period.
What’s so great about HIIT?
• The nature of high intensity interval training, or sprint interval training, causes your body to metabolize energy in such a way that you burn fat more rapidly than with other forms of exercise. You burn more calories during and after performing a HIIT routine compared to other aerobic exercise.

Here are 5 High-Intensity Workouts you can try:
You should have built up a base level of fitness before you attempt a HIIT workout routine. It is very important to check with your doctor before beginning this type of a workout, because it is very physically demanding.
6- Bodyweight Exercises
Bodyweight exercises is a good option for those who don’t have access to gym equipment. As far as strength gains go, you are only limited to your own bodyweight. Bodyweight training helps you get stronger and burn fat while increasing your endurance. However, by doing workouts without weights, you will still be able to burn calories and increase your fat loss.

There you have it, the bodyweight challenge.
Remember the more repetitions you perform the leaner you’ll get. Doing higher reps and lower weight will help you get that lean and toned swimmers body that has almost zero fat. If you want to add size and bulk, you’ll have to add lots of weight (not just body weight) and do less reps.
The Bottom Line
Finding your best exercises to lose weight may take a little time and experimenting. Follow a few simple tips and soon you’ll be moving and shaking with the best of them. Figure out your best fat burning exercises. Try a few different weight loss workouts you “think” you might like and choose just one. You can add more or change them later.
- Make a specific time of day for your new activity. If you know for certain you can’t work out at the same time each and every day, work that into your exercise plan and allow for the differences in schedule. Plan ahead. Put exercise on your schedule just like any other must-do daily activity such as eating and sleeping.
- Start slow and work your way up. You know you have to start somewhere, but that doesn’t mean you have to be running the quarter mile but the end of the week.Instead it means that you have to choose one little thing, like dancing in your living room, doing aerobics, or going for a little walk.
- Commit to some kind of exercise for 10 minutes in the beginning. After a week do ten minutes 2 times per day, or kick the 10 minutes up to 20 all at one time, its up to you. The point is, if you hate exercise, start slow at the bottom and work your way up to your own fitness goal.