Aerobic Exercises First Steps to Success

January 21, 2023 / General
Aerobic Exercises First Steps to Success

Aerobic exercises, or cardiovascular exercises as many call them, are the most popular ways to burn body fat. Everyone has heard of the benefits of cardiovascular exercises: weight loss, muscle gain, increased endurance, heart health and much more.

But did you know that it can be just as beneficial for your mental health? Not only does working out increase daily performance, but it makes you feel better too.

Aerobic exercises help make your heart stronger and more efficient. During the early part of exercise, your body uses stored carbohydrate and circulating fatty acids for energy. You need to know exactly how to do cardio, though, in order to burn the maximum amount of body fat. If you want to know how to burn the maximum amount of body fat in the shortest amount of time, you need to pay attention to the explanations below.

What is Aerobic?

Aerobics, called cardiovascular exercises, is long-term physical activity that increases the heart rate and the body’s use of oxygen.

Aerobic exercises presses that the lungs work harder as the body’s need for oxygen is incremented.

Aerobic exercise improves the efficiency of the heart, lungs and blood vessels as well as the efficiency of the metabolic enzymes that regulate the conversion of stored energy in muscle cells.

Due to the fact that the muscles are requiring more oxygen to create energy, the body naturally increases the amount of oxygen inhaled.

The heart rate increases as it pumps the blood through the system faster to supply the necessary oxygen to each muscle. And second, the blood is circulated through the eliminating organs at a much greater amount, thus resulting in an increase in the elimination of the body’s wastes

Aerobic Metabolism and Endurance (With Oxygen)

This is a combination of energy systems that fuels the body needed for any type of exercises. Aerobic metabolisms is used to fuel the body with the amount of energy for long durations of any muscle endurance exercises. During aerobic condition, your body uses oxygen to contract your muscles, therefore, letting your body workout for a longer period of time without fatigue.

In every sport, athletes continue to push and train their body to work well during any stressful events. The harder you push your body, the more stamina and endurance you will have for any difficult challenges that lies ahead.

Aerobic endurance: It is the ability of the cardio-respiratory system to efficiently supply nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during sustained physical activity. It is used mainly for low intensity exercise that lasts for a long time.

Aerobic (Oxygen): Easy/medium intensity cardiovascular exercise.
Anaerobic (No Oxygen): Hard, high intensity cardiovascular exercise.
Aerobic and Anaerobic: Weight training and other resistance exercise.

Aerobic workout examples

Continuous training: It refers to training performed at a moderate intensity and at a steady pace for at least 30 minutes.

Fartlek training: This is where the intensity of training is varied by running at different speeds or over different terrain. The training is continuous with no rest period.

Interval training: Refers to a training method followed by a period of work followed by a period of rest or recovery.

Circuit training: A circuit training is an workout type in which you perform several exercises back to back with little or no rest between sets.

How to do Aerobic workout 

Any activity that raises the heart rate and is maintained for at least 20-30 minutes is considered aerobic. It can be running, biking, rowing, swimming, dancing or even brisk walking.

For example, if you plan to exercise for 30 minutes, you might start with 10 minutes of walking or jogging, followed by 10 minutes of biking, and finish with 10 minutes of rowing.

It is very important to do your aerobic workout on a regular basis even if the intensity is low or short in duration. If you vary the different types of exercise it will help keep it fun and exciting. It is best to do some type of aerobic activity at least 3 to 4 times a week.

When is an activity an aerobic activity?

Aerobic exercise is any extended physical activity that makes you breathe hard while using the large muscle groups at a regular, even pace. Aerobic refers to any exercise that helps you use oxygen more efficiently by reaching and maintaining your Target Heart Range – the safest range of heart beats per minute during exercise. For moderate-intensity aerobic activity, your target heart rate should be between 60% and 80% of your maximum heart rate.

What is the Aerobic Heart Rate Zone?

%50-60 Very Light / 30-60 min activity / Warm-up
%60-70 Light / 20-50 minutes of activity to Lose Weight
%70-80 Moderate / 10-40 minutes of activity to improve fitness
%80-90 Hard / 2-10 minutes of activity to improve performance
%90-100 Max / 1-5 minutes of activity to improve max performance

Your Training Heart Rate

In order to achieve a training effect, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) suggests performing aerobic exercise sessions of fifteen to sixty minutes a day, three to five days a week. Furthermore, to get the most from aerobic exercise, you should exercise at a level of intensity called your training heart rate.

The easiest way to compute this is to subtract your age from 220 – that’s your maximum heart rate – then take 60 percent and 80 percent of that number. The results are the upper and lower end of your target heart rate zone: while you exercise, your heart rate per minute should fall somewhere between these two numbers.

For example, a 40-year-old woman subtracts her age from 220 to arrive at 180. Multiplying this number by 60% tells her that her safe rate is 108 beats per minute while her goal would be to bring the rate up to 80% or 144 beats per minute as her fitness level improves.

Training Heart Rate

Aerobic exercises and fat burning

Aerobic exercise is basically known as low-intensity cardiovascular activity. The duration of the exercise is longer. Doing low intensity workouts are normally around the 60% range of your target heart rate.  For example, 220 – 40 = 180 (maximum heart rate). 180 x 60% =108 beats per minute.

Doing low intensity workouts are easy to do because low intensity cardio can halp you workout longer and great for beginner.

Unfortunately, this is not the best way to burn excess fat. You actually burn more fat as you increase the effort.

There are many studies that have looked at the fat loss effects of aerobic activity. Most show a small positive benefit, but one that is far less effective than modifying dietary intake.

These studies have been mostly done on obese or sedentary people and involve amounts of exercise generally of between 2-4 hours per week. The truth is that if you are not intending to do more than 2-4 hours of aerobic activity per week, then you are unlikely to lose much weight as a result, unless you also significantly modify your diet.

However, that is not to say you shouldn’t do it.

Most studies also show that physical and psychological health both benefit significantly from this small amount of exercise when compared to doing nothing. Larger amounts of more intensive aerobic activity are generally more effective at achieving weight loss.

Aerobic exercise examples

Aerobic exercises include any physical activity that increases the heart rate by 60%-80%. When you exercise, you strengthen your heart and lungs. You burn calories which will help you maintain a healthy weight. There are many ways you can exercise to build muscle tone and lose weight. Here are best aerobic exercises to increase your physical fitness that you can include in your daily regimen.

1- Walking

aerobic exercises

While there are a lot of fad exercise programs out there, walking is one of many exercise routines that can bring positive results. It’s easy to do and it actually works. The key is knowing how to do it right.

The first step is to go for long distances; about an hour a day, 5 to 6 days a week. If this is too much for you, try three days a week, 30 minutes a day and work your way up. If you can only make it 20 minutes, then walk 20 minutes. If you stick with it, you’ll soon find that you can achieve 30 or 40 minutes. If you do it every day, you’ll reach that hour mark in no time.

The second step to getting a good workout is to pick up the pace to keep your heart rate up. Once you’ve hit your goal of one hour, try increasing it a bit more. Go a little farther than you did the day before, while still staying within the hour timeframe.

Another great way to keep up your heart rate is to alter how fast you go. For example, start at a normal pace for a minute or two; then go as fast as you can for a minute. After that minute just repeat the process. This will maintain a good heart rate without wearing you out.

Walking is a workout that takes less effort. However, walking can burn about 180 calories in a 30 minute time period.

2- Running

Running for aerobic

Running is one of the best aerobic exercises for your cardiovascular health.

We all know running is a great way to lose weight, but did you know that if you ran at 10 mph, you can burn almost 1000 calories per hour? This makes it one of the effective methods of getting rid of extra pounds.

Before you get started, you must remember that if you’re serious about starting this program you need to do it right. Here are just a few tips to help you out.

When you’re ready, be sure to warm up. You should not only stretch, but also walk some before you start. This loosens your muscles and reduces the chances of an injury. The same goes for a cool down and stretching afterward. If you do develop an injury, remember to take it easy.
You may be tempted to continue through the pain, but pain is our body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Some soreness is normal when you first begin this routine, but if you have an actual injury, you should take it easy for a few days and allow yourself to heal.

If you’re just starting a program, or you’ve been inactive for a long period of time, you should gradually ease yourself into it. Start slow; eventually, you can build up to longer distances at faster speeds. You’ll eventually want to go as fast and as far as you can to burn the largest amount of fat, but you should never attempt to go any farther or faster than you’re comfortable doing.

3- Bike Riding

bike for aerobic

Bike riding is one of the best exercises to improve fitness and increase endurance.

Bike Riding is not only a wonderful activity, but as an exercise routine it can’t be beat. Everyone needs between thirty minutes of aerobic exercise at least three days a week.

This activity is also kind to the joints. Women often experience joint pain especially in the knees as they get older. Osteoporosis causes joint problems to worsen because of the lack of proper calcium levels in the bones. It offers exercise without pain.

With several speeds, you can increase you fitness level as your cardiovascular function improves. Begin by riding at an easy speed over even ground. If a challenge is what you desire, change your terrain.

This activity also whips those leg muscles into shape. For muscular endurance, stick to a flat terrain, but adjust the speed as your strength improves. To avoid cramping, stretch thoroughly before and after each bike ride.

If you are looking to increase muscle definition, vary your terrain. Steep hills are great for working the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Riding a bike is not just for kids. The physical benefits increase as you get older. Besides, it’s just plain fun. So, get moving!

Whether it’s stationary or outdoors, bicycling is a great cardio exercise, depending on the resistance and speed that you are doing, you can up to 250 to 500 calories in about 30 minutes.

4- Treadmill

treadmill for aerobic

If you want to lose weight and have a great body, you can exercise to lose belly fat or run on the treadmill every day.

You can run outdoors. Of course, outdoor running has its own pleasure, you can see the river, the sky, and the fresh air. However, it also has many potential risks of unexpected accidents. Especially running outdoors in the rainy season or winter is not a very interesting thing, isn’t it? Moreover, if you have the habit of running while wearing headphones to listen to music, running outside maybe not be safe for you.

Don’t worry! Running on a treadmill will solve these problems for you. It can help you control your running speed and no need to worry about unexpected accidents on the street or bad weather. Besides, exercising on a treadmill at home will help you follow your running plan.

5- Swimming

aerobic exercises swimming

Whether you swim laps or do aerobics in the shallow end, swimming is an ideal exercise.

Swimming is a great method for exercising and is widely recommended for losing weight because it doesn’t require much effort. Swimming is not only good for losing weight, but it’s also good for your body and skin. It’s also a great source for stress and anxiety relief.

Aquatic exercise and therapy are used to treat and prevent several physical ailments. In addition to its therapeutic role, there are several aquatic activities that are very popular for recreational purposes. An individual’s ability to swim and feel comfortable in the water creates opportunity to get involved in other water sports such as kayaking, canoeing, sailing, and water skiing.

Be sure to have a planned schedule to do a couple of laps in a pool, and with a good diet, you are bound to melt the fat right off.

Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular exercise workout your full body. Swimming can burn up to 400 calories in about 30 minutes time.

6- Indoor Cycling and Spinning

Bike for aerobic workout

In 1989 the indoor cycling began and spinning is right now one of the most practiced exercise classes at the gym. Perhaps it’s because you don’t require special skills to practice; perhaps it’s because a 45 minutes class can burn 500 calories or more-a major but low-impact workout that suits people of all ages.

The other benefits of cycling are the mental aspects of it: spinning classes provide videotaped rides with fantastic landscapes, soothing music and encouragement, all with the benefits of workout out in a group of likeminded exercisers.

7- Dance or Zumba

Jumping jack for aerobic


First, dancing is an exercise. No one wants to admit that, because it is so much fun when you are doing it. Moving your body in successive motions for a certain period of time is essentially physical exercise. Endorphins are secreted during such activities. They increase well-being and improve mood. These substances also promote clarity and focus.

Dancing has long been a form of self-expression. It might be ballet, ballroom dancing, zumba, salsa or hip hop. Movement can express what we feel inside but can’t seem to get out any other way.

Negative energy can change your entire outlook on life. It can lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, anger issues and antisocial behavior. None of these are productive and can harm a person.

Dancing allows the body to move in different ways, releasing negative energy and tension from the muscles and the mind. A person in shape is better able to combat negative energy and turn it into a positive. It doesn’t matter what form of dance you participate in so long as it speaks to your need to embrace positive thoughts and energy.

There are many benefits to taking part in a form of dancing that will appeal to you. Such movement also releases stress. Stress can cause internal changes in our bodies. People who suffer from chronic stress are typically more tense and prone to negative thoughts. Stretching the muscles of the body as you dance, releases that tension in the muscles.

Over time, dancing can help you to lower your heart rate and increase your endurance.

8- Step Aerobics Exercise

Single Leg Step Down aerobic workout

The antique of step aerobics is almost 25 years and is yet one of the most accepted and effective ways of exercising: in a class or at home. Step aerobics has all the benefits of a cardio workout to build strength and improve fitness without putting stress on your joints. All you require is a step and some upbeat music.

One of the most effective cardio exercises that is mostly preferred by women. Step Aerobics mainly targets your legs, hips and glutes, and can burn about 400 calories in a 30 minute period.

9- Jumping Rope

Jump Rope aerobic workout

Jumping rope is one of the best aerobic exercises to burn fat and calories.

Jumping rope targets all of the muscle groups of the body when done right. Of course your heart and lungs are getting a workout here. But, you are also working your legs, especially your calf muscles. Someone who is jumping fast doesn’t have time to put their entire foot on the floor so only the ball of the foot touches. That means that the work is concentrated in the calves.

Your arms are working to turn the rope. In particular, your forearms and wrists are doing the work here. Unlike in grade school, your arms are kept at your sides with only the wrists moving to advance the rope.

And, throughout the entire workout, your abdominal muscles are keeping everything in balance. Keeping a tight core (including the back muscles) strengthens that area and also helps you stay in proper alignment for the exercise.

Try jumping rope for thirty seconds without stopping or pausing at the bottom to bounce. You were probably winded after the first fifteen seconds. Some people jump for minutes on end. It takes a lot of getting used to because it is a high impact exercise.

Alternate a minute of jumping rope with a minute of lower intensity work like the treadmill. If you can keep going for at least a minute at a time, you will see a lot more fat-burning potential than with low intensity workouts. Try this for 1-2 minutes at first until you get the hang of it, and then increase your time.

10- Elliptical Trainer

Elliptical Machine for aerobic

The elliptical trainer or cross-trainer works the whole body, providing an extremely good aerobic workout without putting pressure on the joints. With the elliptical trainer, the strain on your legs, hip and knee joints is reduced. Less stress on the joints means there is less chance of strain that can lead to injury.

One of the biggest problems with most types of exercise machines is the pressure or impact that can cause pain or injury at some point during the movements. Since your feet do not lose contact with the large pedals of the elliptical machines, they do not cause jolts in the feet, ankles or knees as in treadmill equipment.

His is an excellent workout and a great way to build up endurance. A 145 lb individual can burn up to 300 calories in about  30 minutes time. 

11- Fitness Balls

stability ball aerobic workout

Fitness balls have been around for a relatively short time. They have been used in rehabilitation and regular fitness routines. If you want to increase your fitness level, begin with a ball workout and build up.

Fitness balls allow for exercise routines that won’t jar the joints or strain the muscles. You can work your core muscles as well as other muscle groups. Fitness balls are even great for strength training. They provide a way for people who haven’t exercised in a long time to get going slowly.

Why Use a Fitness Ball?

Basically, it provides you with gym equipment to use for exercise in your home.

One goal of exercise is to increase flexibility and balance. It is hard to perform certain moves if you are constantly off balance. Unsteady movements can lead to bodily injury.

As you lie across the ball to perform abdominal crunches or upper body exercises, you are allowing your spine to stretch out. Using the ball for strength training allows for a greater range of motion throughout the exercise than with weight machines.

As for balance, it is a ball and you are performing exercises on it. Sitting on the ball at a desk instead of a chair keeps your abs engaged as you constantly correct your posture to stay on the ball. When using the ball for back extensions, military presses or other exercises you have to plant your feet and squeeze your midsection to maintain your position on the ball. Both lead to better balance control.

Fitness balls work for people of all sizes and fitness levels. Increase flexibility and balance along with gaining strength.

12- Boxing

boxing for aerobic training

Boxing may look like a bunch of punches to the face and body but it is more than that. The entire body gets a workout when punches are done correctly. Techniques don’t have to be done on another person. Shadow boxing and using the punching bag increase proper technique and that in turn increases strength.

Boxing is a sport that can be utilized for means of defense as well. Being able to kick and punch effectively not only increases your power but also your confidence in your ability to defend yourself. These techniques are useful in other areas of your life besides just in the gym or aerobic class.

Boxing, whether sparring or aerobic, increases the fitness of the body. You can gain strength and endurance in these series of moves that is as effective as performing aerobics and weight training separately.

As fitness increases, proper execution will as well. Stronger moves increase muscle growth and can make a workout more effective than before.

13- Body Pump Workouts

Barbell Floor Press for aerobic training

What is a Body Pump Workout?

Body pump is the name given to a type of aerobic class that also involves strength training moves. By combining both together, you can burn more calories than doing either alone. Your body is getting all it needs in one workout, which saves time and effort.

We already know that aerobics helps to burn fat and increase cardiovascular fitness. When the heart pumps blood more efficiently and the lungs breathe more efficiently, you can increase your endurance and stamina. Workouts become longer and more challenging.

Strength training increases your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat. When you concentrate on building muscle, you will burn calories even while you sleep. Muscle tone also gives you a good-looking physique, which is what most of us want anyhow.

From barbells to dumbbells to aerobic steps, you will alternate aerobic cycles with strength training cycles. One goal is muscle confusion. When muscles are confused, they have to work harder to adapt. This builds muscle faster.

If you’ve never been to a body pump class before, start slow. Don’t go for the heaviest weight. Try the routine on the lowest step and use the lightest weight for barbells and dumbbells. Your body will still reap benefits of muscle confusion as long as you use the proper technique.

This brings up another point. Without proper technique you aren’t likely to see the results you envision. In your first few classes, study the technique to be sure you are emphasizing the muscle groups properly.

In a body pump class, all of the major muscle groups are addressed. After a warm-up, you will work with small muscles as well as larger ones and overall aerobic training to round it out. Participants can burn anywhere from 200 to 600 calories per session depending on their fitness level.

14- Tone-up

  aerobic training          

It’s important to Tone Up in order to lose weight. In fact, weight loss without increased activity is impossible for many people. The type of workout you do can make your fat loss even more important. While cardio workouts are great for getting the heart pumping and the calories burning, you need to build muscle mass if you want those calories to keep flying off while you’re sitting around doing nothing.

Exercises such as running, biking, and swimming can burn hundreds of calories per hour, but have much less benefit after the exercising is done. While they can increase muscle mass, the increase is not nearly significant as lifting weights. Weight lifting will not only tone up your body, but burns fat while you work out and continues to burn after you stop. This is called the afterburn effect. The more weight you can lift, the more calories you’ll burn each time. This means the stronger you get; the faster you’ll burn through your fat reserves.

With many exercise programs, doing too much too quickly can be dangerous. This is especially true with weight training. Using too much weight can not only stress your muscles, it can also cause permanent damage to tendons and ligaments. When using weight training, always start slow and build your way up. And remember to use a spotter when lifting significant amounts of weight.

The Bottom Line

Any activity that increases the heart rate and breathing rate, such as walking,jumping rope, running, cycling, swimming, hiking, is good for the heart. 

Aerobic exercise is important for losing weight and improving cardiovascular health. To begin, working out at least 30-40 minutes a day three times a week will get you going and help you form the habit of fitness.

Remember that weight training should not replace a cardio workout. The best way to tone up your body is to alternate between aerobic exercise and weight training. This gives you the benefits of both to power maximum weight loss.

aerobic exercises and aerobic workout

Posted by
Robert George
Robert, a certified fitness coach skilled in creating personalized exercise programs, excels in offering emotional support and motivation to her readers. As a fitness copywriter and coach, she has inspired countless individuals to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.