Learn How to Become an Online Personal Trainer

December 6, 2023 / General
Learn How to Become an Online Personal Trainer

If you are a lover of fitness and sports and you like to share that passion with others, perhaps you have thought about the career of online personal trainer. Being an online personal trainer comes with several advantages, and it can be a rewarding career for those who enjoy fitness and helping others achieve their health and wellness goals.

A good personal trainer does not just deliver a list of exercises to do. It encourages its clients, becomes its motivator and develops a good affinity with them. Friendly, patient, with leadership skills, are some characteristics that a personal trainer online should have.

In a world that is increasingly concerned with being in shape and leading a healthier life, this profession is in great demand. A profession that has grown thanks to the fact that every day more people understand the importance of leading an active and healthy life. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become an online personal trainer:

What does an online personal trainer do?

An online personal trainer, also referred to as an online fitness coach, is a certified fitness professional who provides personalized training and coaching services through digital platforms. Instead of meeting clients in person at a gym or fitness center, an online personal trainer delivers workouts, nutrition guidance, and support through various online platforms such as websites, mobile apps, video calls, and messaging.

Personal trainers are professionals with the capacity that is needed to design personalized training routines. He is patient and has high energy. Teaches the correct way to combine strength and cardio exercises, why an exercise is good or not, what muscles are worked. For this, it takes into account the client’s objectives and their physical condition. The sessions are not routine, the coach designs them taking into account what has been worked so far and what will be worked on later.

Online personal trainers cater to individuals who prefer the flexibility and convenience of remote fitness coaching. The personalized nature of the training allows clients to receive expert guidance tailored to their specific needs, even if they are not physically present with the trainer.

What are the advantages of online personal coaching?

Individuals seeking online training have the chance to review instructors’ past accomplishments across diverse social media platforms. Those interested in training are often convinced to sign up when they see the trainer’s skills and accomplishments highlighted in these posts.

As we mentioned, the demand for this profession has increased in recent years and more and more people want personalized training. Becoming an online personal trainer comes with several advantages, making it an appealing career choice for fitness professionals. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Global Reach:
    • Online personal training allows you to work with clients from around the world, expanding your potential client base beyond geographical limitations.
  2. Flexibility:
    • It has more flexibility in terms of working hours. Online trainers can work from anywhere with an internet connection and can set their own schedules.
  3. Increased Income Potential:
    • By reaching a broader audience, online personal trainers have the potential to increase their income compared to traditional in-person training. This scalability is especially advantageous once a solid client base is established.
  4. Opportunity to earn extra money: By consistently producing quality workout videos, trainers can tap into this revenue stream based on the views and engagement generated on their content. Imagine you post videos of your workouts on Instagram, or TikTok, and people love them.
    • Youtube: When trainers post workout videos on YouTube, they can make money from ads that play before or during their videos. So, the more views their videos get, the more money they make.
    • Tiktok and Instagram: Companies that sell fitness stuff like workout gear or healthy snacks might pay you to talk about their products. It’s like saying, “Hey, I love using this, and you might too!” You get paid, and your followers might find out about cool stuff. The more views a video gets, the more cash they make. It’s like a reward for sharing helpful workout tips and advice.

While there are numerous advantages to being an online personal trainer, it’s essential to recognize the challenges and responsibilities that come with managing a virtual fitness coaching business. The online environment encourages ongoing learning and adaptation to industry developments. This can contribute to a better work-life balance.

How much does an online personal trainer earn?

This is one of the most difficult questions to answer if you want to be a coach. The income of an online personal trainer can vary significantly based on several factors, including experience, expertise, client base, marketing strategies, and geographic location.

Successful online personal trainers often diversify their income streams by combining various pricing models, offering additional services, and creating multiple revenue channels.

  1. Monthly Subscriptions:
    • Trainers offering monthly subscription services may earn a more predictable income. Monthly rates can range from $100 to $500 or more, depending on the trainer’s reputation, expertise, and the scope of services included.
  2. One-Time Payments or Packages:
    • Some trainers offer one-time payment structures or packages for a set number of sessions or a specific duration. These can range from $200 to $1,000 or more, depending on the trainer’s credentials and the level of customization in the training program.
  3. Bundled Services:
    • Trainers who offer a more comprehensive package that includes a combination of services (for example, personalized training, nutrition coaching, and additional resources) may charge $300 to $1,500 or more for the entire package.

It’s important to note that these figures are general estimates, and actual earnings can vary based on individual circumstances. Additionally, the growth of an online personal training business may take time, and earnings can increase as the trainer builds a solid reputation, gains more clients, and refines their marketing strategies.

How To Become An Online Personal Trainer?

Becoming an online personal trainer involves a series of steps, including education, certification, gaining practical experience, and ongoing professional development. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to embark on the journey of becoming an online personal trainer:

Education and Certification:

Ensure you have the required certifications in personal training. This not only enhances your credibility but also assures potential clients of your expertise.

Consider enrolling in relevant courses or obtaining a degree to gain a solid understanding of anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and exercise programming. Begin by acquiring a reputable fitness certification from organizations such as NASM, ACE, ISSA, NSCA, or ACSM. This provides the foundational knowledge needed to guide clients effectively.

Obtain a certification from a recognized fitness organization. Popular certifications include:

national academy of sports medicine

National Academy of Sports Medicine

The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) provides a comprehensive and effective certification program, enabling aspiring personal trainers to attain certification in as little as four weeks, with a starting price of $799. For those seeking a more holistic approach to health and wellness, NASM provides the option to enhance your certification by choosing a nutritionally certified package for just $100 more, totaling $899.


International Sports Sciences Association

The International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) recognizes the evolving landscape of online fitness coaching, and as such, it provides a specialized option designed specifically for online coaches. The current course is priced at $639, making it an accessible and valuable investment for individuals looking to enhance their skills and credentials in the realm of online coaching.


National Strength and Conditioning Association

The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) provides aspiring members with two distinct options for obtaining certification. Members benefit from a reduced exam fee of $300 when pursuing certification, in addition to the chosen membership tier. For individuals who choose not to become NSCA members, the exam fee for certification is $435. The membership itself incurs an additional cost, with prices ranging from $70 to $359.

acsm logo

American College of Sports Medicine

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) offers a flexible pricing structure for certification candidates, providing options for both members and non-members. The price for certification with membership is $299. For individuals who opt not to become members, the standalone certification cost is $399. ACSM offers four types of membership systems, providing candidates with various options based on their needs and preferences. These memberships range from $30 to $260, offering different levels of benefits, resources, and support.

AP Color

American Council on Exercise

The ACE certification is available at a base cost ranging from $675 to $975. For individuals seeking a comprehensive approach to fitness and wellness, ACE provides the option to bundle the Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coaching certifications together. Opting for this combined package results in a total cost of $1,539.

Each certification has its own requirements, study materials, and exams. Choosing the right certification is a significant step in establishing yourself as a credible and knowledgeable personal trainer. Take the time to research each option thoroughly, considering your goals, budget, and preferred learning style.

Specialize for More Earnings

Trainers with more experience and higher levels of education or certifications often command higher fees. Consider obtaining specialized certifications to cater to specific populations or niches, such as:

  • Nutrition certification
  • Corrective exercise specialist
  • Weight management specialist
  • Sports-specific certifications

Online trainers can specialize in various niches, from weight loss and muscle building to specific sports training or rehabilitation. This diversity allows individuals to find trainers who align with their unique needs. Clients may be willing to pay more for the expertise and knowledge that come with advanced training.

Learn How to Start Your Business

In the competitive landscape of personal training, a robust marketing strategy is essential to stand out, attract clients, and build a thriving business. Effective marketing and branding can help you establish yourself as an authority in the field and attract more clients willing to pay for your services. A strong online presence and positive reviews can contribute to your success.

1. Identify Your Niche and Build a Brand:

Clearly define your niche or specialization. Are you an expert in weight loss, strength training, rehabilitation, or sports-specific conditioning? Tailor your marketing messages to highlight your expertise. Develop a memorable and professional brand identity. This includes a logo, color scheme, and a consistent visual style that reflects your personality and training philosophy.

2. Social Media:

Identify the social media platforms that align with your target audience. Establish a presence on key social media platforms such as Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Maintain a consistent look and feel across all platforms.

Dennis Allen online personal trainer

Video Ideas:

Online trainers use video content to showcase workout routines, demonstrate proper form, and offer snippets of their training sessions. Posting regular video content on social media helps trainers stay connected with their audience and attract new clients.

Regularly share engaging content, including workout videos, client testimonials, and fitness tips. Write articles or create videos about fitness trends, nutrition advice, and workout routines.

Here are some examples:

Improve Your Shoulder Mobility

Start by briefly talking about the importance of shoulder health. Share a targeted exercise routine for shoulder mobility. Encourage your followers to comment or share their experiences.

Launch short-term fitness challenges (e.g. 7 day ab challenge or 30 day strength challenge).

From 0 to 15 Pull-ups in 30 Days

Explain the significance of pull-ups in overall fitness. Share tips for individuals starting with pull-ups for the first time. Demonstrate proper form. Briefly explain the workout routine designed to improve pull-up strength.

Remember to maintain a dynamic and engaging presentation style throughout the video. Incorporate visually appealing graphics, on-screen text for key points, and upbeat music to keep the energy high.

3. Website:

Your website is your virtual storefront. Ensure it’s user-friendly, visually appealing, and provides all necessary information about your services, qualifications, and contact details. Start a blog to share fitness tips, workout routines, and nutrition advice. Regularly updating content can improve your website’s search engine ranking.

online personal trainer profile

6. Engage in Online Advertising:

In the digital age, online advertising is a powerful tool to reach a targeted audience and attract potential clients to your personal training services. Utilize targeted social media advertising to reach your specific demographic.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to set parameters based on location, age, interests, and more. Craft visually appealing and engaging ad content. This could include eye-catching images or videos showcasing your training style, client success stories, or special promotions.

online personal training Advertising

4. Offer Promotions and Packages:

Clearly outline your online training packages, including session durations, frequency, and any additional services. Make it easy for clients to understand what they are getting.

Attract new clients with special introductory offers. This could include a discounted first session or a package deal for multiple sessions. Create package deals for clients committing to multiple sessions. This not only incentivizes commitment but also increases the lifetime value of each client.

Implement referral programs to encourage your existing clients to refer friends and family. Consider offering incentives such as discounted sessions for successful referrals.

5. Client Testimonials:

Request and showcase client testimonials on your website and social media. Positive reviews build trust and provide evidence of your ability to deliver results.

6. Before-and-After Photos:

With your clients’ consent, share transformational photos. This could include the beginning, midpoint, and final stages of their training program. Visual evidence of success is a powerful marketing tool.

Consider creating video testimonials where clients share their experiences alongside their before-and-after photos. Celebrate your clients’ achievements along with them. Encourage them to share their progress on their own social media, contributing to a positive community around your training programs.

7. Utilize Online Tools:

Online trainers can leverage various technologies, such as video calls, workout apps, and communication platforms, to enhance the training experience.

One of the most important tools a personal trainer needs is an online workout planner, where he can send distance training to his clients. 

There are many workout planners available online, but they are expensive. The tool, which has the distinction of being the best training planner among them, is offered free of charge by fitnessprogramer.com. This workout planner has a large enough exercise database to show almost all exercises. You can easily create a workout for your customers and send it to them for free.

This allows for real-time feedback, easy communication, and efficient tracking of client progress.

Final Recommendations

Remember that building a successful online personal training business is a journey that requires dedication and continuous learning. Stay focused on your goals, adapt to changes, and enjoy the fulfillment that comes with helping others on their fitness journeys. Best of luck!

Posted by
Robert George
Robert, a certified fitness coach skilled in creating personalized exercise programs, excels in offering emotional support and motivation to her readers. As a fitness copywriter and coach, she has inspired countless individuals to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.