Cooldown is bringing the body back to its normal physiological level by gradually slowing the pace of activity after a strenuous activity or by doing light exercises and stretching.
Enjoy a great and fun Zumba dance at home, tone your muscles and dance your way to fitness and health.
Afterburn training does not involve starvation diets, slimming pills and endless cardio workouts. On the contrary, this technique involves intense workouts which focus on compound exercises.
Walking is a great low impact form of physical activity. Some of the benefits of walking include building your legs, endurance while strengthening your muscles and ligaments.
Want to know how to lose thigh fat? We’ll tell you how to lose fat and show toned leg muscles and it goes beyond regular exercise!
Daily calorie requirement is the amount of calories our body needs in a day to carry out its vital activities. The USDA’s 2020 “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” report states that adult women need 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day, and adult men 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day. However, this amount varies from person to person in line with the factors mentioned above.