5 Gym Essentials for Beginners: Your Gym Starter Pack

November 13, 2023 / General
5 Gym Essentials for Beginners: Your Gym Starter Pack

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and start going to the gym. Congratulations! Now what? You may have a few burning questions like: What should my workout plan look like? How do I set and track my goals? What is the proper workout technique? Fortunately, you can refer to a workout plan for beginners, such as a previous post on the Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) workout that provides a holistic approach to training the body. Over a three- or six-day cycle, the plan guides you through proper training for each muscle group to maximize growth and strength gains.

But regardless of which training regimen you decide to adopt, a key way to motivate and set yourself up for success is to have the right gear. If you are unsure what you need to bring to the gym, don’t worry! We’re here to act as your guide. To get the ball rolling on your fitness journey, here’s a rundown of some gym essentials you can’t leave out of your list.

Here Are the 5 Essential Gear You Need to Get Started

Gym bag

First things first, you’ll need a sturdy bag to store all your gym gear. It’s important to choose one that’s durable and suits your needs. If you’re planning on hitting the gym on your way home from work and don’t want to lug around a separate bag, you should buy a good backpack. The Enduro 20L 3.0 from Oakley has a dedicated area for your laptop that is separated from the main compartment where you can keep your gym gear, allowing you to stay neat and organized even when you’re always on the go. It’s also waterproof and has an outer pocket where you can stow your water bottle. For something more suited to a range of indoor and outdoor activities, you can try looking at the water-resistant material and modular storage system of the Road Trip Terrain 25L RC Pack, also by Oakley.

5 Gym Essentials for Beginners

Gym shoes

The right footwear can keep your feet healthy, make your workouts easier, and help keep your body safe from injury. When possible, it is always best to have your workout shoes fitted to your specific needs and activity requirements. For indoor cardio workouts, it’s recommended to get a basic cushion and ample ankle support. Try to purchase your gym shoes from a specialty store, especially if you suffer from joint pain or have problem feet. A great option for beginners is Nike’s Metcon 8 shoes, which you can use in and out of the gym since it’s lightweight, breathable, and durable. And, of course, don’t forget to pack a pair of gym socks to keep your feet comfortable and dry throughout your workouts!


Water bottle

When you sweat, it’s crucial to replenish the fluids you’ve lost because your mind and body cannot function at their peak if you’re dehydrated. This is why it’s vital to have a water bottle handy at the gym. Nothing is more refreshing than having a cold sip of water after an excruciating workout, so choose an insulated water bottle like Frank Green’s stylish reusable ceramic bottle with a straw lid that has a 2-liter capacity and will keep your drink cold for hours. Alternatively, Igloo’s Sport Sipper bottle is ideal for those looking for a more budget-friendly option.

water drinking

Microfibre towel

The gym is a communal space, and one rule all gymgoers should always observe is to wipe down any gym equipment they’ve used and sweated on. Nothing’s worse than laying down on a training bench drenched in some stranger’s sweat — it’s unhygienic and gross. Keep a microfibre towel handy for this. Use a larger, separate towel to wipe away sweat on your face and body. You don’t need to spend much on this, as Amazon has cheap multipacks that will do the job.



As a beginner, you may choose to bring your headphones to the gym. Studies show that listening to music as you work out has real benefits. Self-selected, motivational, and stimulating music enhances impact, improves energy efficiency, and increases work output during persistent, endurance-type activities. So, if you like to listen to your own music rather than whatever the gym blasts through its speakers, don’t forget to include your headphones in your gym bag. If you’re on the hunt for a new pair that’s sweat-resistant, look no further than the Bose 700 Noise Cancelling Headphones for the optimal listening experience.


Making the decision to start going to the gym is a great first step towards achieving your fitness goals. Though it can be intimidating, being prepared can go a long way in maximizing each gym session. Use the list above to guide you on which essentials you’ll need to pack as a beginner gym goer. For more helpful tips on getting started on your road to fitness, check out the rest of the articles here at Fitness Programmer.

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Robert George
Robert, a certified fitness coach skilled in creating personalized exercise programs, excels in offering emotional support and motivation to her readers. As a fitness copywriter and coach, she has inspired countless individuals to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.