One-Arm Push-Ups with Support Overview
One-arm push-ups with support involve performing a push-up primarily using one arm, with assistance from the other arm for balance and support. The support can come from placing your assisting hand on a stable elevated surface, such as a bench, or on the ground farther away from your body.
This variation is excellent for building the strength, stability, and technique required for a full one-arm push-up.
How to Perform One-Arm Push-Ups with Support
- Set-Up:
- Start in a push-up position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width for balance.
- Place your working hand directly under your shoulder and your supporting hand on an elevated surface or the ground further out to the side.
- Lowering Phase:
- Bend your working arm to lower your chest toward the ground.
- Keep your supporting arm slightly bent or use it minimally for assistance.
- Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels, engaging your core throughout.
- Pressing Phase:
- Push through your working arm to return to the starting position.
- Exhale as you press up, maintaining control.
- Switch Sides:
- Complete the desired number of repetitions, then switch arms and repeat on the other side.
Tips for Proper Form
- Core Engagement: Keep your core tight to prevent your hips from sagging or rotating.
- Control the Movement: Perform the exercise slowly to focus on strength and stability.
- Hand Placement: Position your working hand under your shoulder and your assisting hand in a stable, supportive position.
- Foot Position: Widen your feet for better balance, especially as you start.
- Breathing: Inhale as you lower down and exhale as you press up.
Common Mistakes
- Over-Reliance on Support: Using too much assistance from the supporting arm reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
- Hips Rotating: Allowing your hips to twist compromises core engagement and form.
- Elbows Flaring: Letting the elbow of the working arm flare out excessively increases shoulder strain.
- Rushing the Movement: Performing the exercise too quickly can lead to poor form and reduce its effectiveness.
Benefits of One-Arm Push-Ups with Support
- Strength Development: Builds unilateral strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
- Core Stability: Challenges your core to maintain balance and alignment throughout the movement.
- Progression to Full One-Arm Push-Ups: Provides an intermediate step to mastering the full one-arm push-up.
- Improves Coordination: Enhances neuromuscular control and body awareness.
- Addresses Imbalances: Corrects strength discrepancies between sides of the body.
- Minimal Equipment: Requires no equipment, making it an accessible and versatile exercise.
How to Incorporate Into Your Routine
- Push-Up Progressions: Include one-arm push-ups with support in your workout to bridge the gap between standard push-ups and full one-arm push-ups.
- Strength Training: Perform 3–4 sets of 6–10 reps per arm to build unilateral strength and stability.
- Calisthenic training: Add this exercise to your calisthenic routine for enhanced stability and control.
- Functional Circuits: Pair with lower-body exercises, such as lunges or squats, for a balanced functional fitness circuit.
- Progression: Gradually reduce the reliance on your supporting arm by lowering its elevation or moving it farther away from your body.