Tall Kneeling One Arm Kettlebell Press

Exercise / Shoulders

How to Tall Kneeling One Arm Kettlebell Press

Half Kneeling One Arm Kettlebell Press

Tall Kneeling One Arm Kettlebell Press Benefits


  • The tall kneeling single arm kettlebell press is one of the exercises that benefits to strengthen and enlarge your deltoids. Tall kneeling single arm kettlebell press is a unilateral exercise. This means that you can focus on each individual shoulder in your training. If one side of your body is stronger or larger than the other, you can use this exercise to correct these muscle imbalances that develop over time.


Muscles Worked in the Tall Kneeling One Arm Kettlebell Press

Target - Anterior Deltoid
Synergists - Lateral Deltoid
Synergists - Trapezius
Synergists - Serratus Anterior
Synergists - Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Stabilizers - Levatos Scapula
Stabilizers - Wrist Extensors
shoulder press muscle worked