High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension

Exercise / Triceps

How to High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension

High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension

Starting Position: Begin by attaching a rope to the upper part of a cable machine. Grasp the rope and turn around so that you are facing away from the cable machine. Stagger your stance so that you have a stable base.

Form: Engage your abdominals so that your body is stabilized, then exhale and straighten your arms over your head.

Hold for a brief second and then return to the starting position.

High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension – Benefits

  • This exercise places the triceps in a different position, so there is a change in the emphasis. Many people feel their triceps are stronger in this position, but the challenge is are your core muscles strong enough to stabilize you. The weight from the cable machine will pull your body backwards, so your abdominal muscles will have to really work to keep you in the correct position.

High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension – Muscles Worked

Target - Triceps
Stabilizers- Rectus Abdominis
Stabilizers - Erector Spinae
Stabilizers - Obliques
Stabilizers - Anterior Deltoid
High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension muscles worked