Handstand Push-Up

Exercise / Calisthenic, Shoulders

Handstand Push-up Overview

The handstand push-up is an advanced bodyweight exercise that builds upper body strength, balance, and stability. It primarily targets the shoulders, triceps, and upper chest while requiring core engagement for balance. This movement is popular in calisthenics, gymnastics, and CrossFit, making it a key skill for athletes and bodyweight training enthusiasts.

Since this exercise demands upper body strength and coordination, it is recommended to progress gradually before attempting a full handstand push-up.

How to Perform the Handstand Push-Up

Handstand Push-Up


  1. Find a Wall for Support (for beginners)

    • Face a wall and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the ground.
    • Kick your legs up into a handstand position with your heels touching the wall for balance.
  2. Freestanding Option (for advanced athletes)

    • Start in a handstand position without wall support.
    • Engage your core and glutes to maintain balance.


  1. Lower your body by bending your elbows until your head gently touches the ground.
  2. Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle to protect your shoulders.
  3. Push back up to the starting position by extending your arms fully.
  4. Repeat for 4 to 12 repetitions depending on your strength level.

Tips for Proper Form

  1. Engage your core to maintain balance and control.
  2. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart for stability.
  3. Move in a controlled motion to prevent excessive strain on the shoulders.
  4. Point your toes and squeeze your glutes to maintain a straight body line.
  5. Use a padded mat under your head for safety if needed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Arching the lower back excessively – this reduces stability and increases the risk of injury.
  • Flaring the elbows out – this puts unnecessary stress on the shoulders.
  • Dropping too fast – control is key to avoid injuries.
  • Not engaging the core – weak core engagement leads to poor balance and technique.
  • Lack of mobility – insufficient shoulder mobility makes the movement inefficient.

Benefits of the Handstand Push-Up

1. Builds Superior Shoulder Strength

Handstand push-ups are one of the best exercises for developing strong and defined shoulders, as they mimic overhead pressing movements using body weight.

2. Increases Triceps and Arm Power

Since the triceps play a major role in pushing the body up, HSPUs help develop stronger, more muscular arms, improving overall pressing power.

3. Strengthens the Upper Chest

While primarily a shoulder and triceps exercise, the upper chest (clavicular head of the pectorals) also plays a stabilizing role, making this a great chest-builder.

4. Enhances Core Stability and Balance

Maintaining an inverted position requires significant core activation, engaging the rectus abdominis, obliques, and lower back to stabilize the body.

5. Improves Athletic Performance

Handstand push-ups train balance, coordination, and control, which benefit gymnasts, CrossFit athletes, and calisthenics practitioners.

6. Requires No Equipment

As a bodyweight exercise, the handstand push-up can be performed anywhere without the need for weights or machines, making it an effective home workout movement.

7. Prepares You for Advanced Calisthenics Movements

HSPUs build foundational strength for more difficult movements such as the kipping handstand push-up, planche push-up, and handstand walking.

Handstand Push-Up Muscles Worked

Target - Anterior Deltoid
Synergists - Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Synergists - Lateral Deltoid
Synergists - Supraspinatus
Synergists - Triceps
Synergists - Trapezius
Synergists - Serratus Anterior
Stabilizers - Levatos Scapula
Dynamic Stabilizers - Biceps Brachii
dumbbell shoulder press muscle worked

Handstand Push-Up Variations