Dumbbell Raise

Exercise / Shoulders, Trapezius

Dumbbell Raise

Dumbbell Raise

Dumbbell Raise Benefits

  • The focus of the dumbbell raise exercise is the trapezius and shoulder muscles. Strengthening your trapezius muscles helps stabilize your neck and back, as well as reduce the tension in your neck and shoulder muscles. If you’re looking to boost the strength of your shoulder, neck, or upper back muscles, or you want to improve your posture, you can add Dumbbell raise to your workout routine.

Muscles Worked in the Dumbbell Raise

Target - Lateral Deltoid
Synergists - Trapezius
Synergists - Supraspinatus
Synergists - Anterior Deltoid
Synergists - İnfraspinatus
Synergists - Teres Minor
Synergists - Brachialis
Synergists - Brachioradialis
Synergists - Biceps
Synergists - Serratus Anterior
Stabilizers - Levator Scapulae
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