Ski Ergometer / Ski erg
Step 1: Begin the movement by holding your hands shoulder-width apart, slightly above your head. Finally, grab the handle. Insert your hand into the buckle, then lower it so that it rests on the strap.
Step 2: Use the handle and strap as you would a cross-country ski pole.
Step 3: Your arms should be bent. Your feet should be shoulder width apart.
Step 4: Drive the handles downward by engaging your core muscles and bending your knees.
Step 5: Finish the movement with knees slightly bent, and arms extended down alongside your legs.
Ski Ergometer Benefits
- Skierg exercise machine simulates nordic skiing. Ski ergometer is an effective ski exercise that will strengthen your legs, back, shoulders, arms and core, improve your cardiovascular endurance, and you can work both anaerobically and aerobically depending on the time you work.
- The Ski Ergometer helps you build endurance and strength by working the entire body in an efficient, rhythmic motion.
Ski Ergometer – Muscles Worked
Exercise activates many muscle groups, we can list them as follows:
The start of the pull:
• Primary muscles: triceps, trapezius, lats, calves
• Secondary muscles: abs, back extensors, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads and shins
The pull:
• Primary muscles: triceps, lats, abdominal muscles, hip flexors, shins
• Secondary muscles: quads, back extensors, glutes, hamstrings, calves
Finishing the pull:
• Primary muscles: triceps abdominal muscles, hip flexors, shins
• Secondary muscles: quads, back extensors, glutes, hamstrings, calves
Returning to start:
• Primary muscles: quads, glutes, hamstrings, back extensors, deltoid front part, trapezius upper part, pectoralis upper part, calves
• Secondary muscles: abdominals, shins, hip flexors