
Exercise / Abs

How To Plank 


1- Lie face down on an exercise mat with your elbows to your sides, your head facing forward, and palms flat on the floor.

2- Engaging your core and glutes, raise your body from the floor, supporting your weight on your forearms and toes while breathing freely. Concentrate on maintaining a straight line through your core and legs.

3- Hold the plank position, maintaining good form and keeping your glutes tensed, then return to the start position slowly and with good control.


  • Keep the spine neutral; engage in “abdominal stabilization” by pulling abdominal muscles.
  • Lower the shoulder blades, activating the anterior dentate muscles and the lower parts of the trapezius muscles.
  • Do not round or bend your back. Keep your pelvis in a neutral position.
  • Do not slouch or hunch. Keep your chest flat and the shoulder blades flattened.
  • Do not hold your breath. Breathe freely and naturally.

Its main goal is to maintain stabilization and balance of all parts of the body. Start at 10 second intervals and gradually move on to 60 second intervals.

Plank Benefits

  • The plank is a bodyweight exercise. As a multi-functional movement, the plank not only targets your abdominal muscles but also the spine and hip. Plank strengthens and tightens your entire body, improves your posture and balance, reduces body fat, and can help boost your metabolism.
  • Exercises such as the “plank pose” help strengthen the stamina of stabilizing abdominal muscles. It can also help relieve back pain associated with a weakening of the function of the stabilizing muscles of the body.
  • Planks are a versatile exercise that targets many of the most important muscle groups in the body, so they can be applied by anyone to improve endurance and overall body strength.

Muscles Worked in Plank 

Target - Rectus Abdominis
Stabilizers - Obliques
Stabilizers - Iliopsoas
Stabilizers - Quadriceps
Stabilizers - Tensor Fasciae Latae
Stabilizers - Sartorius
Stabilizers - Pectoralis major
Stabilizers - Serratus Anterior
Antagonist Stabilizers - Erector Spinae
Antagonist Stabilizers - Trapezius
Antagonist Stabilizers - Rhomboids
plank muscle worked