Neck Rotation Stretch

Exercise / Neck

How to do Neck Rotation Stretch

Neck Rotation Stretch

How to Neck Rotation: Gently turn the head to the left while feeling for a stretch in the neck. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Return the head in original position and turn gently to the opposite side on the right. Hold again for 20 seconds. Repeat the procedure twice.

Neck Stretch Benefits

  • Neck stretches are also involved in physical therapy that aims to rehabilitate the neck muscles, joints and bones. Neck stretches aims to increase the strength, tone and flexibility of the neck muscles. It also allows the ligaments on the neck joints to become more flexible and withstand increased stress to the area.
  • When the head and shoulders drift forward due to poor posture, some muscles in the chest and neck can shorten and become tight over time, which can perpetuate the poor posture that is causing neck pain. The neck stretching exercises can help loosen postural muscles and may reduce neck pain.

Muscles Worked in the Neck Rotation 

Longissimus Capitis
Semispinalis Capitis
Splenius Capitis
Levator Scapula
Neck Stretch muscle worked