Lateral Raise with Towel on Wall

Exercise / Shoulders

Lateral Raise with Towel on Wall

The “Lateral Raise with Towel on Wall” is an exercise variation that adds resistance to the traditional lateral raise movement by using a towel and a wall. This exercise primarily targets the lateral deltoids (side of the shoulders) and helps to strengthen and tone this muscle group. Here’s how to perform the lateral raise with a towel on the wall:

How to do: 

Lateral Raise with Towel on Wall

  1. Starting Position: Begin with the arm holding the towel resting comfortably at your side. Keep a natural posture with your core engaged.
  2. Lift with Control: Keeping a slight bend in your elbow, initiate the movement by slowly raising your arm out to the side at shoulder level. Focus on a controlled and deliberate motion.
  3. Shoulder Engagement: Concentrate on using your lateral deltoid muscles to lift your arm. Avoid using momentum to swing the arm upward.
  4. Parallel Position: Continue the movement until your arm is parallel to the ground.
  5. Hold and Feel: Pause briefly in the raised position, feeling the contraction in your lateral deltoid muscle. Maintain stability throughout your body.
  6. Lower with Control: Gradually lower your arm back down to the starting position by your side. Maintain the towel tension during the lowering phase.
  7. Repetition: Complete the desired number of repetitions on one side before switching to the other side. Focus on the quality of each repetition.
  8. Breathing: Breathe naturally throughout the exercise, exhaling as you lift the arm and inhaling as you lower it.


  • Focus on maintaining consistent tension in the towel throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid using momentum to lift the towel; the tension should come from your shoulder muscles.
  • Engage your core to stabilize your body and prevent excessive arching of your back.
  • Don’t push into any painful ranges of motion. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop the exercise.
  • Focus on your breathing and maintain a relaxed posture.

Lateral Raise with Towel on Wall – Benefits

Shoulder Strength: Towel Lateral Raises help enhance shoulder strength, particularly in the lateral deltoid region. Strong shoulders are important for numerous upper body activities, such as lifting, pushing, and pulling. Towel Lateral Raises are generally less taxing on your shoulder joints compared to heavy weightlifting exercises. This makes them a suitable choice for individuals looking to improve shoulder strength without excessive stress on the joints.

Improved Shoulder Stability: As you raise your arms against the resistance of the towel, your shoulder muscles are engaged to stabilize the joint. This can help improve shoulder stability, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing your overall shoulder function.

Muscles Worked

Deltoids (Lateral)
Lateral Raise with Towel on Wall