High Knee Lunge on Bosu Ball

Exercise / Hip, Leg

High Knee Lunge on Bosu Ball / Bosu Ball Reverse Lunge 

High Knee Lunge on Bosu Ball is a challenging bodyweight exercise that combines strength, stability and balance. This exercise targets multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles.

How to do:

High Knee Lunge on Bosu Ball

  • Flip the Bosu Ball around so that the flat side is facing up.
  • Lift one foot and step onto the center of the Bosu Ball, ensuring that your foot is centered on the platform.
  • Lower your body into a reverse lunge position.
  • As you push back up from the lunge position, lift your back knee up towards your chest, bringing it as high as comfortable.
  • The instability of the surface will engage your stabilizing muscles. Throughout the movement, maintain balance on the Bosu Ball. Use your core and leg muscles to stabilize yourself.
  • After completing the movement on one leg, step back onto the floor and switch to the other leg, repeating the lunge and high knee lift.
  • Perform the exercise for a specific number of repetitions or time duration.

Benefits of High Knee Lunge on Bosu Ball

Leg Strength:

Executing the lunge on the Bosu Ball targets key leg muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The unstable surface of the Bosu Ball requires additional effort from these muscles to stabilize the body, thus increasing the overall demand on leg strength.


Endurance is the ability of your muscles to sustain prolonged activity. As you repeatedly perform the exercise, your muscles adapt to the demands, leading to increased endurance over time. Improved leg endurance not only enhances your ability to perform daily activities with ease but also contributes to better athletic performance.

Muscle Imbalance Correction:

Unilateral exercises, such as high knee lunges on a Bosu Ball, place emphasis on one side of the body at a time. Helps identify and address any strength discrepancies or muscle imbalances between the left and right sides of the body. By working each leg independently, you can ensure that one side is not compensating for the other, promoting more balanced strength development.

Core Engagement and Balance:

Balancing on the Bosu Ball engages the core muscles to a high degree. The core plays a fundamental role in stabilizing the body and maintaining balance. As you perform the high knee reverse lunge, the core muscles are activated to stabilize the spine and pelvis. Balancing during the lunge and high knee phases of the exercise involves coordination between different muscle groups and joints, contributing to overall balance improvement.

Muscles Worked

Synergists - Gluteus Maximus
Synergists - Adductor Magnus
Synergists - Soleus
Dynamic Stabilizers - Hamstrings
Dynamic Stabilizers - Gastrocnemius
Stabilizers - Gluteus Medius
Stabilizers - Gluteus Minimus
Stabilizers - Quadratus Lumborum
Stabilizers - Tibialis Anterior
Stabilizers - Rectus Abdominis
Stabilizers - Obliques
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