Seated Barbell Shoulder Press

Exercise / Shoulders

Seated Barbell Shoulder Press

The seated barbell shoulder press is a compound exercise that targets the muscles of the shoulders, triceps, and upper body. It involves pressing a barbell overhead while seated on a bench or chair.

How to do:

Barbell Shoulder Press

Starting Position: Begin sitting down with your feet firmly on the ground. Hold the bar at shoulder level with your palms facing forward.

Form: Exhale and press the bar over your head. Hold for a short second at the top and then slowly lower back to the starting position.

Personal Trainer Tips: Be mindful of your lower back position. As you press overhead, your back will have the tendency to arch. Keep you core muscles engaged so that you maintain good posture.

Barbell Shoulder Press – Benefits

  • Barbell shoulder press is one of the most basic movements to develop and strengthen shoulder muscles. Although the focus of this exercise is on the front shoulder muscles, it is a popular movement that is frequently used in workouts to strengthen the upper body.
  • Barbell shoulder press action is effective to build up strength, but if you start this exercise without warming up or with excess weight, you can cause injury. Before starting exercise, always apply warm-up and stretching movements to your shoulder muscles and start by choosing a weight according to your fitness level.

Barbell Shoulder Press – Muscles Worked

Target - Anterior Deltoid
Synergists - Supraspinatus
Synergists - Triceps
Synergists - Lateral Deltoid
Synergists - Trapezius
Synergists - Serratus Anterior
Stabilizers - Levatos Scapula
shoulder press muscle worked